API ReferenceGlobalsRoomleConfigurator

# Class: RoomleConfigurator

# Hierarchy

  • RoomleConfigurator

# Implements

# Index

# Constructors

# Properties

# Accessors

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

+ new RoomleConfigurator(creator: string): RoomleConfigurator

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:182


Name Type
creator string

Returns: RoomleConfigurator

# Properties

# creator

creator: string

_Implementation of Context.creator_

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:98

# Accessors

# callbacks

get callbacks(): ConfiguratorUiCallbacks

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1448

Return ConfiguratorUiCallbacks to override

Returns: ConfiguratorUiCallbacks

# globalCallbacks

get globalCallbacks(): GlobalCallback

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1456

internal Return GlobalCallback to override

Returns: GlobalCallback

# Methods

# cancelDockings

cancelDockings(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:636

Remove/cancel all dockings/ghosts

Returns: void

# cancelSelection

cancelSelection(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:596

Cancels the selection of all currently selected components

Returns: void

# changeFloorMaterial

changeFloorMaterial(material: RapiMaterial): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1114

Sets the material of the floor to the given RapiMaterial. If the current environment is not floor environment it will be changed


Name Type
material RapiMaterial

Returns: Promise‹void›

promise that resolves when material has been changed

# changeFloorMaterialById

changeFloorMaterialById(materialId: string): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1138

Sets the material of the floor to the given material id. If the current environment is not floor environment it will be changed

Example material ids are: roomle_floor:DresdenEiche roomle_floor:Ibiza roomle_floor:Palma roomle_floor:Elba roomle_floor:Manacor roomle_floor:KernEiche roomle_floor:KieferScandic roomle_floor:EicheHabsburg roomle_floor:FuldaKiefer roomle_floor:Ashton roomle_floor:EicheLondon


Name Type
materialId string

Returns: Promise‹void›

promise that resolves when material has been changed

# changeOffset

changeOffset(offset: CanvasOffset): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:618

Change the camera offset, see CanvasOffset for more details


Name Type Description
offset CanvasOffset

Returns: void

# cleanup

cleanup(options: CleanupOptions): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1398

Clears the scene and all components/meshes. Also unregisters configurator callbacks in kernel.


Name Type Default Description
options CleanupOptions {} CleanupOptions

Returns: void

# clearHistory

clearHistory(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1786

clears current configurator history

Returns: void

# disableHDGeometry

disableHDGeometry(): Promise‹void | ConfigurationLoadedResponse

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:610

Disable the use of HD Geometry

Returns: Promise‹void | ConfigurationLoadedResponse

# disableMultiselect

disableMultiselect(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:991

Disable selection of multiple components. By default only one component can be selected at a time

Returns: void

# enableHDGeometry

enableHDGeometry(): Promise‹void | ConfigurationLoadedResponse

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:603

Enable the use of HD geometry. Also reloads the object with HD geometry enabled

Returns: Promise‹void | ConfigurationLoadedResponse

# enableMeshSelection

enableMeshSelection(enabled: boolean): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1360

By default the outline pass uses the bounding box mesh of each component to highlight the object. When mesh selection is enabled, the meshes of the object are used directly. This is the recommended setting for non square/rectangular (shelf) components like sofas.


Name Type Description
enabled boolean

Returns: void

# enableMultiselect

enableMultiselect(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:983

Enable the selection of multiple components. Common parameters shared between those components can then be changed at once

Returns: void

# formatValueToUnitString

formatValueToUnitString(value: number, parameter: KernelParameter): string | number

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1059

Returns the formatted value based on the parameter.unitType


Name Type Description
value number -
parameter KernelParameter

Returns: string | number

# generateImagesOfCurrentConfiguration

generateImagesOfCurrentConfiguration(): Promise‹object›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:749

Generates images of the current configuration

Returns: Promise‹object›

Promise containing the topImage, perspectgetAdditionalContentsOfiveImage and a boolean isLocally which indicates if the images were generated while being offline

# getAdditionalContentsOf

getAdditionalContentsOf(rapiItems: RapiItem[]): Promise‹RapiAdditionalContent[]›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1166

It is possible to add additional content to a configurable-item in our backend for example, product images, product videos etc. To fetch them you can use this method


Name Type Description
rapiItems RapiItem[]

Returns: Promise‹RapiAdditionalContent[]›

# getCameraOffset

getCameraOffset(): CanvasOffset

Implementation of GlobalAPI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1379

Returns: CanvasOffset

# getConfiguratorSettings

getConfiguratorSettings(id: RapiId): Promise‹RapiConfiguratorSettings

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1718

Get the data which is assigned to the configurator object, especially things like allowed hosts


Name Type
id RapiId

Returns: Promise‹RapiConfiguratorSettings

# getCurrentConfiguration

getCurrentConfiguration(): Promise‹ConfigurationString

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:999

Returns: Promise‹ConfigurationString

Promise with the current configuration string/hash

# getCurrentConfigurationHash

getCurrentConfigurationHash(): Promise‹ConfigurationHash

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1481

returns the current configuration hash, this can be used for analytics or other stuff like caching etc

Returns: Promise‹ConfigurationHash

string current configuration hash

# getCurrentSelection

getCurrentSelection(): string[]

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1485

Returns: string[]

# getHashOfSerializedConfiguration

getHashOfSerializedConfiguration(serializedConfiguration: string): ConfigurationHash

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1794

Returns the hash of the given serialized configuration


Name Type Description
serializedConfiguration string

Returns: ConfigurationHash

# getParameterGroups

getParameterGroups(): KernelParameterGroup[]

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1711

Get all parameter groups defined on the component, even if it has no parameters assigned

Returns: KernelParameterGroup[]

# getParametersOfPlanObject

getParametersOfPlanObject(): Promise‹KernelParameter[]›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:952

Returns all parameters which correspond to the plan object. This is also exposed for embedding

Returns: Promise‹KernelParameter[]›

# getParametersOfRootComponent

getParametersOfRootComponent(): Promise‹KernelParameter[]›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:974

Returns all parameters which correspond to the root component. This is also exposed for embedding

Returns: Promise‹KernelParameter[]›

# getRuntimeComponentIdOfRootComponent

getRuntimeComponentIdOfRootComponent(): number

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1464

Returns the runtime component id of root component of the current plan object

Returns: number

number the number of the runtime id of the root component

# getScene

getScene(): Scene

Implementation of GlobalAPI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:206

Returns: Scene

# getShortUrlOfCurrentConfiguration

getShortUrlOfCurrentConfiguration(): Promise‹string›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1036

Returns: Promise‹string›

Promise containing the short url for the current configuration

# getTagById

getTagById(tagId: RapiId, options?: object): Promise‹RapiTagForUi

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1070

Get tag for a given tag id


tagId: RapiId

Optional options: object

{ include: RAPI_PATHS[] }

Name Type
include RAPI_PATHS[]

Returns: Promise‹RapiTagForUi

Promise containing the tag including items and materials for that tag

# hideDimensions

hideDimensions(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1222

Hides dimensions when they are shown (see showDimensions). Calling hideDimensions does not force dimensions to be always hidden.

See onDimensionsVisibilityChange to get notified when dimension visibility changes

Returns: void

# highlightParts

highlightParts(ids: number[]): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1756

Highlight parts in the scene with the given ids Use empty array to remove highlights


Name Type Description
ids number[]

Returns: void

# init

init(element: HTMLElement, initData?: InitDataDefinition): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:576

This method has to be called before configurator is ready to use


Name Type Description
element HTMLElement which should contain the configurator
initData? InitDataDefinition -

Returns: Promise‹void›

Promise which is resolved when configurator is initialized

# initSceneManager

initSceneManager(sceneManager?: ConfiguratorSceneManager): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:198


Name Type
sceneManager? ConfiguratorSceneManager

Returns: void

# isReady

isReady(): void

Implementation of ConfiguratorKernelAccessCallbackI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1504

Returns: void

# loadComponentIntoKernel

loadComponentIntoKernel(componentString: string): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1010

Loads the component (defined as string) into the kernel


Name Type
componentString string

Returns: Promise‹void›

Promise which gets resolved when the component has been loaded

# loadConfigurableItemById

loadConfigurableItemById(itemId: RapiId, initData?: InitDataDefinition): Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:851

Loads a configuration based on the item id


Name Type Description
itemId RapiId -
initData? InitDataDefinition

Returns: Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

# loadConfiguration

loadConfiguration(configuration: ConfigurationString, initData?: InitDataDefinition): Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:811

Loads an item based on a configuration string

For example: {'componentId":"muuto:Muuto-Stacked'}


Name Type Description
configuration ConfigurationString -
initData? InitDataDefinition

Returns: Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

# loadConfigurationById

loadConfigurationById(configurationId: RapiId, initData?: InitDataDefinition): Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:829

Loads an item based on a configuration hash

For example: koinor:FORMIA_LeftGroup:79FBF0D6C79A2598B5FF943111EA29DC0C6884AA97F4383582B47F69C14DDB2C


Name Type Description
configurationId RapiId -
initData? InitDataDefinition

Returns: Promise‹ConfigurationLoadedResponse

# loadDynamicLightSetting

loadDynamicLightSetting(source: DynamicLightSettingSource): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1312

Loads a dynamic light settings into the scene. The dynamic light setting source can be an object (js), json, or an url (url to json). See SceneSettings how to define it.


"lights": [
"type": "rectarea",
"name": "main",
"intensity": 240,
"color": "#ffffff",
"position": {
"x": -0.5,
"y": 6,
"z": 3
"target": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0
"castShadow": true,
"width": 0.8,
"height": 0.8
"type": "spot",
"name": "side",
"intensity": 0.3,
"color": "#ffffff",
"position": {
"x": 2,
"y": 3,
"z": 1.5
"target": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0.1,
"z": 0
"castShadow": false,
"angle": 50,
"penumbra": 0.5
"type": "ambient",
"name": "ambient",
"intensity": 0.3,
"color": "#ffffff",
"position": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0,
"z": 0


Name Type Description
source DynamicLightSettingSource

Returns: Promise‹void›

# loadError

loadError(error?: any): void

Implementation of ConfiguratorKernelAccessCallbackI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1683


Name Type
error? any

Returns: void

# loadSceneSetting

loadSceneSetting(sceneSettings: SceneSettings): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1349

Loads a SceneSettings object, currently it can can contain a light setting definition (see loadDynamicLightSetting) and an environment definition (see EnvironmentSetting).


Name Type Description
sceneSettings SceneSettings

Returns: Promise‹void›

# moveCamera

moveCamera(cameraParameter: CameraParameter): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1722


Name Type
cameraParameter CameraParameter

Returns: Promise‹void›

# notifyUiAboutNewLabel

notifyUiAboutNewLabel(id: RapiId): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:375


Name Type
id RapiId

Returns: void

# pauseKernelCallbacks

pauseKernelCallbacks(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1695

Returns: void

# preLoadConfigurableItemById

preLoadConfigurableItemById(itemId: RapiId): Promise‹RapiItem

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:870

Downloads and caches the selected item id for faster use


Name Type Description
itemId RapiId

Returns: Promise‹RapiItem

# preLoadConfigurationById

preLoadConfigurationById(configurationId: RapiId): Promise‹RapiConfiguration

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:862

Downloads and caches the selected configuration id for faster use


Name Type Description
configurationId RapiId

Returns: Promise‹RapiConfiguration

# preparePartImage

preparePartImage(partId: number, options?: PrepareImageOptions | number): Promise‹Base64Image

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:668

Generates an image of one part (slightly from the side) and returns it as base 64 WARNING: It's only possible to render one sub part at a time

  • @param partId id of the sub part, received from part list
  • @param size size of the rendered image in pixel (default is 256), will render faster when size is smaller


Name Type
partId number
options? PrepareImageOptions | number

Returns: Promise‹Base64Image

# preparePerspectiveImage

preparePerspectiveImage(options: PrepareImageOptions): Promise‹Base64Image

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:658

Generates a perspective image (slightly from the side) and returns it as base 64


Name Type Default
options PrepareImageOptions {}

Returns: Promise‹Base64Image

# prepareTopImage

prepareTopImage(options?: PrepareImageOptions | boolean): Promise‹Base64Image

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:761

Generates a top image (birds perspective) and returns it as base 64


Name Type
options? PrepareImageOptions | boolean

Returns: Promise‹Base64Image

# previewDockings

previewDockings(possibleChild: UiPossibleChild, dragEvent?: DragEvent, dragIn?: boolean): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:629

Shows dockings/ghosts for the selected possible child


Name Type Description
possibleChild UiPossibleChild -
dragEvent? DragEvent -
dragIn? boolean

Returns: void

# redo

redo(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1776

Redo last action calls configuratorHistory.redo where array of last configuration are stored only possible if undo was called before

Returns: void

# removeTypeChangeTag

removeTypeChangeTag(rapiId: RapiId): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1186

Just calls onRemoveTypeChangeTag on ConfiguratorUiCallbacks


Name Type Description
rapiId RapiId

Returns: void

# renderImage

renderImage(renderOptions: RenderOptions): Promise‹Base64Image

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:651

Renders the current item in high quality, it also uses the current lightsetting


Name Type Description
renderOptions RenderOptions

Returns: Promise‹Base64Image

# requestAsset

requestAsset(url: string): AssetUrl

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1103

Returns same url when online or caches url when offline


Name Type Description
url string

Returns: AssetUrl

# requestDeleteComponent

requestDeleteComponent(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:643

Deletes the currently selected component if possible

Returns: void

# resetCameraPosition

resetCameraPosition(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:782

Resets the camera back to the start position

Returns: void

# resumeKernelCallbacks

resumeKernelCallbacks(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1690

Returns: void

# saveCurrentConfiguration

saveCurrentConfiguration(): Promise‹RapiConfigurationEnhanced

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:691

Saves the current configuration (parameters etc) and returns a new configuration object including the configuration hash

Returns: Promise‹RapiConfigurationEnhanced

# selectComponent

selectComponent(runtimeId: number): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1731

Select a component by runtime id. You can retrieve this ID from partlist etc If it's already selected it will be deselected to mimic the behavior of click/touch


Name Type Description
runtimeId number number, the runtime id of the component. You can retrieve this ID from partlist etc

Returns: Promise‹void›

# setActiveGroupInView

setActiveGroupInView(group: string): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1704

Set the name of the parameter group which is selected at the moment


Name Type Description
group string

Returns: void

# setCameraOffset

setCameraOffset(offset: CanvasOffset): void

Implementation of GlobalAPI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1375


Name Type
offset CanvasOffset

Returns: void

# setComponentParameter

setComponentParameter(runtimeId: number, parameter: KernelParameter, value: string): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1746

Sets the parameter of the component by it's runtime id parameters of the plan object are set


Name Type Description
runtimeId number number, the runtime id of the component. You can retrieve this ID from partlist etc
parameter KernelParameter an instance of the kernel parameter we want to set, use {key: "your-key"} if you do not have a kernel instance and do not need validation of the input
value string the value we want to set on the parameter as string

Returns: Promise‹void›

# setOverrides

setOverrides(initData: InitDataDefinition & GlobalInitDataDefinition): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:560

Set general configuration parameter


Name Type Description
initData InitDataDefinition & GlobalInitDataDefinition

Returns: void

# setParameter

setParameter(parameter: KernelParameter, value: string, isRaw: boolean): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:906

Sets the parameter of the selected component. If nothing is selected the parameters of the parameters of the plan object are set


Name Type Default Description
parameter KernelParameter - an instance of the kernel parameter we want to set, use {key: "your-key"} if you do not have a kernel instance and do not need validation of the input
value string - the value we want to set on the parameter as string
isRaw boolean false turn this to true if you dont want the kernel to parse the value string, e.g. convert 100cm to 1000

Returns: Promise‹void›

# setParameterOfPlanObject

setParameterOfPlanObject(parameter: KernelParameter, value: string): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:937

Method to set a parameter on the plan object. This is used by embedding as well


Name Type Description
parameter KernelParameter an instance of the kernel parameter we want to set, use {key: "your-key"} if you do not have a kernel instance and do not need validation of the input
value string the value we want to set on the parameter as string

Returns: Promise‹void›

# setParameterOfRootComponent

setParameterOfRootComponent(parameter: KernelParameter, value: string): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:963

Method to set a parameter on the root component. This is used by embedding as well


Name Type Description
parameter KernelParameter an instance of the kernel parameter we want to set, use {key: "your-key"} if you do not have a kernel instance and do not need validation of the input
value string the value we want to set on the parameter as string

Returns: Promise‹void›

# showDimensions

showDimensions(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1212

Show dimensions (width, height, depth) of object

See onDimensionsVisibilityChange to get notified when dimension visibility changes

Returns: void

# showGUI

showGUI(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1190

Returns: void

# showStats

showStats(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1203

Show overlay with statistic data for: fps memory in MB number of draw calls number of poly/triangle count number of geometries number of textures

Returns: void

# syncCatalog

syncCatalog(catalogId: RapiId): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1230

Start sync of catalog to make it offline available


Name Type Description
catalogId RapiId

Returns: Promise‹void›

# syncFloorTag

syncFloorTag(tagId: RapiId): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1238

Start sync of floor tag to make it offline available


Name Type Description
tagId RapiId

Returns: Promise‹void›

# syncPlanObjectToView

syncPlanObjectToView(conversationId: number, objectId: number): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:836


Name Type
conversationId number
objectId number

Returns: void

# syncTypeChangeTag

syncTypeChangeTag(tagId: RapiId): Promise‹void›

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1246

Start sync of type change tag to make it offline available


Name Type Description
tagId RapiId

Returns: Promise‹void›

# undo

undo(): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1764

Undo last action calls configuratorHistory.undo where array of last configuration are stored

Returns: void

# updateParameters

updateParameters(parameters: KernelParameter[], parameterGroups: KernelParameterGroup[], elementId: number | number[], parameterUpdateType: PARAMETER_UPDATE_TYPE): void

Implementation of ConfiguratorKernelAccessCallbackI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1643


Name Type
parameters KernelParameter[]
parameterGroups KernelParameterGroup[]
elementId number | number[]

Returns: void

# updatePossibleChildren

updatePossibleChildren(elementId: number, children: KernelPossibleChild[], parameterUpdateType?: PARAMETER_UPDATE_TYPE): void

Implementation of ConfiguratorKernelAccessCallbackI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1519


Name Type
elementId number
children KernelPossibleChild[]
parameterUpdateType? PARAMETER_UPDATE_TYPE

Returns: void

# updateScene

updateScene(): void

Implementation of GlobalAPI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:210

Returns: void

# updateSize

updateSize(): void

Implementation of GlobalAPI

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1371

This function has to be called when the size of the container (the html element which has been used in the init method) changes It is VERY important to call this method because the SDK can not detect if the DOM element which embeds the canvas of the 3D scene changes in size

Returns: void

# zoomIn

zoomIn(value?: number): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1433

Moves the camera closer to the object. Default value (when no value given) is 4, higher value moves a bigger distance.


Name Type Description
value? number

Returns: void

# zoomOut

zoomOut(value?: number): void

Defined in packages/configurator-core/src/roomle-configurator.ts:1441

Moves the camera away from the object. Default value (when no value given) is 4, higher value moves a bigger distance.


Name Type Description
value? number

Returns: void