
# Type parameters

Name Type
Vector2Type Vector3 | Position2
Vector3Type Vector3 | Position3

# Hierarchy

# Table of contents

# Properties

# Properties

# fromPosition2d

fromPosition2d: Vector2Type

start position of the dimension in 2D *

# fromPosition3d

fromPosition3d: Vector3Type

start position of the dimension in 3D *

# length

length: number

length of the wall in millimeters *

# textDirection

textDirection: Vector3Type

3D direction vector of the text *

# textPosition2d

textPosition2d: Vector2Type

2D position where the length/label should be shown *

# textPosition3d

textPosition3d: Vector3Type

3D position where the length/label should be shown *

# textRotation

textRotation: number

rotation of the text in radians *

# toPosition2d

toPosition2d: Vector2Type

end position of the dimension in 2D *

# toPosition3d

toPosition3d: Vector3Type

end position of the dimension in 3D *