
# Implements

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Properties

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new default(creator)

# Parameters

Name Type
creator string

# Properties

# _creator_

_creator_: string

# Implementation of


# Methods

# canRedo

canRedo(): boolean

checks if there are newer configurations

# Returns


true if current configuration is not the latest configuration

# canUndo

canUndo(): boolean

checks if there are any changes on the item already happened

# Returns


true if the current configuration is not the default configuration

# clearHistory

clearHistory(): void

clears history and make new empty history array sets index on 0 that no undo and redo is possible

# Returns


# getHistory

getHistory(): string[]

# Returns


array of all configuration strings

# push

push(configurationString): void

pushes new configurationString to history Array is called when changes on the item happened

# Parameters

Name Type
configurationString string

# Returns


# redo

redo(): string

loads the configurationString of the configuration which was set before undo function was called only possible if undo function was called before

# Returns


configurationString of configuration before undo was called or null if canRedo returns false

# undo

undo(): string

loads the configurationString of the configuration which was set before only possible if there are some changes on the current item

# Returns


configurationString of lastAction or null if canUndo returns false