
# Implements

# Table of contents

# Constructors

# Properties

# Methods

# Constructors

# constructor

new default(creator)

# Parameters

Name Type
creator string

# Properties

# _creator_

_creator_: string

# Implementation of


# Methods

# loadGLB

loadGLB(url, position?, rotation?, size?, scaling?, color?, colorable?, callback?): Promise<GLTFScene>

# Parameters

Name Type
url string
position? Vector3
rotation? number
size? Vector3
scaling? Vector3
color? number
colorable? boolean
callback? (percent: number) => void

# Returns


# loadGLTF

loadGLTF(gltfJSON, position?, rotation?, size?, scale?, color?, colorable?, callback?): Promise<GLTFScene>

# Parameters

Name Type
gltfJSON string
position? Vector3
rotation? number
size? Vector3
scale? Vector3
color? number
colorable? boolean
callback? (percent: number) => void

# Returns
