# PlanController

# Overview

# Description

Path /v2/plans

Handles all requests regarding plans: creating, updating, deleting.

Plans can be userPlans (userId not null) oder tenantPlans (userId = null and tenant != 0)

# Plan JSON Object

An example for a plan JSON object.

            "name":"child of tenant plan 1",
            "planObjects":"planObjects content 4",

# fields

  • id
  • pngIcon
  • svgIcon
  • inpirationImage
  • global
  • created
  • accessibleByTenants
  • translations
  • hidden

# API Reference

# POST /

Accepts: json

Generates: json

standard way to create a new plan with the given content.

Returns a PlanContainer json with the created plan.

# POST /

Accepts: multipart-formdata

Generates: json

Converting external format to a plan.


  • file: inputfile for the converter (may be zipped or gzipped)
  • format: format of the inputfile (currently support: dxf)
  • plan: json for the plan to be created. If provided this json will be enhanced by the planObjects from the converter and then added like in the normal POST
  • converterParams: json containing parameters for the converter.

possible Parameters for dxf:

  • windowHeight: Height of the windows, default 1200
  • parapetHeight: Z position of the windows, default 900
  • doorHeight: Height of the doors, default 2100

# GET /demoPlans

Accepts: json

Generates: json

Returns a json object with demo plans.

# GET /:id

Accepts: json

Generates: json

Returns a PlanContainer json with the plan whose id is specified.

# PUT /:id

Accepts: json

Generates: json

Updates user plan, user must have valid rights to modify plans

Returns a PlanContainer json with updated plan

# DELETE /:id

Accepts: json

Generates: json

Deletes the plan which has the specified id,users must have valid rights.

Returns empty content.

# POST /:planId/assets/:assetId

Accepts: multipart-formdata

Generates: json

uploads plan asset image, users must have valid rights, and the image size being uploaded must not be too small

Returns a plan asset container json with the created plan assest.


# POST /:id/draft

Accepts: multipart-formdata

Generates: json

uploads plan draft, users must have valid rights.

parameters: id - the plan id form-data - non-empty input stream.

Returns a plan draft json


# GET /:id/settings

Accepts: json

Generates: json

gets plan setting

Returns a plan settings json

    "metric":false," +

# POST /:id/settings

Accepts: json

Generates: json

creates a plan setting, require users to have valid rights

Returns a settings json

# PUT /:id/settings

Accepts: json

Generates: json

updates a plan setting, require users to have valid rights

Returns a settings json