# ConfiguratorController
# Description
Path /v2/configurators
Handles all requests regarding a configurator. Creating, deleting and requesting all configurator is not allowed.
Requirement: A valid token/apiKey is required to get a specific configurator.
# Configuration JSON Object
An example for a configurator JSON object.
"settings": {
"settings1": "value1",
"settings2": "value2",
"settings3": "value3",
"settings4": "value4"
# fields
- id
- allowedHosts
- tenant
- settings
- url
- SDK_access
# API Reference
# GET /:id/
Returns the configurator with the specified id
Accepts: json
Generates: json
- id : configurator id
# PUT /:id/
Updates and returns the updated configurator with the specified id
Accepts: json
Generates: json
- id : configurator id
Updated fields:
- allowedHosts
- settings
- url
# POST /
creates a configurator for this tenant. The configurator-id is the name of the tenant. Only users with TenantManagement rights in this tenant are allowed to call it.
Accepts: json
Generates: json
# Settings json - possible key:value pairs
- deeplink : deep.link.to/configurator/of/tenant
this deeplink contains a placeholder #CONFIGURATIONID#, to be replaced with the configuration ID. It is used so that the configuration can be opened withing the store/page, where the configurator is embeded.