# RoomleRubens for iOS

RoomleRubens.framework is the iOS framework for the Roomle Rubens Configurator.

# Requirements

RoomleRubens.framework requires an iOS app with a deployment target of iOS 12.0 or later.

# Installation

# Swift Package Manager (Xcode 11 and above)

  • In Xcode, select File > Swift Packages > Add Package Dependency
  • Select your project > search or enter package dependency URL
  • Paste https://gitlab.com/roomle/consumer/roomlerubens.
  • Setup Package Rules: Use default values or customised based on your needs
  • Add Package to desired Products and Targets

# Usage

Import the RoomleRubens module in your desired class:

import RoomleRubens

RubensConfiguratorView is a UIView subview, which you can attach to any view in your app.

let rubensView = RubensConfiguratorView()
rubensView.attachTo(view: yourContainerView)

You can use the convenience function RubensConfiguratorView.attachTo(view:) to add the Rubens Configurator to one of your views and we set the corresponding autolayout constraints to automatically adapt to size changes of your view.

Then you are ready to load your configuration:


The MOC can be constructed in a similar fashion:

let mocView = RubensMOCView()
mocView.attachTo(view: yourContainerView)

Then you are ready to load an existing plan:


or create an empty one:


Please refer to the documentation for the other initialising options.

# Custom Configurator ID

You are advised to use your Configurator ID (provided by your sales representative).

  • Download the Roomle Configuration file.
  • Replace demoConfigurator with your Configurator ID.
  • Add the updated Roomle Configuration file to your project.

# Reference Documentation

# Protocols

# Structs

# Classes

# Enums

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